
Cuentame: Immigration Crusaders.

Now that Tony Plana no longer plays an illegal immigrant, he’s becoming more active in the immigration reform movement. Plana has put his celebrity to use as a campaigner for Reform Immigration for America, and Cuentame. He is by no…
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Robert Rodriguez gets political

I just watched the trailer for Robert Rodriguez’ upcoming movie, Machete. Talk about being topical. Right now, with Arizona passing that mess of a law (jeez… how many constitutional amendments does Arizona to break?) regarding illegal immigration. Now, here’s Robert…
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Los Links: Bing wants you Latino(a) people…

I couldn’t help myself after watching Bing’s latest commercial. It’s a play on telenovelas. Or is it? in terms of audience appeal, I’ve spent the last three years looking at the appeal of Latinos(as) as a demographic. This argument is…
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